Thursday, 31 May 2012

Voice Chat App TalkBox Goes Now on BlackBerry

talkboxSome have called TalkBox an instant voice messenger, some said they’re a global walkie talkie, while others say they’re a voicemail service. TalkBox like to think they are a springboard of voice messages. Your voice is carefully curated and delivered by TalkBox voice bubbles of maximum 1 minute in length. TalkBox makes asynchronous voice chats possible. Saying good morning to the world by sending a voice post using Agent Twitter or Agent Facebook; talking to an oversea business acquaintance without having to schedule an appointment; brainstorming a new product ideas with the team using group chat; when a goodnight kiss is sent to your traveling parents, a good morning sound cuddle will be received.
TalkBox let us know that they’ve opened up a public beta for their BlackBerry app. Simply fill out the form with some information and you can then be on your way to testing the TalkBox app and sending voice messages to friends and family. TalkBox app is currently available for BlackBerry devices OS 5.0 and up.

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